Monday, 13 November 2017

I'm bunged up

I'm suffering from stitchers block, I typed sewers block to start with but then realised that might be misconstrued.
I'm trying to make bungs to block the port holes but I'm struggling a bit, I will persevere after I've written this post.

We went to a quiz night on Friday at school, I like quiz nights but got fed up with the ones in the pub when everybody was googling the answers.

We came 8th, that wasn't too bad, we would have done better with fewer team members as one got very drunk and another was adamant that A Tale of Two Cities was written by Shakespeare.


galant said...

Oh, that's so funny, A Tale of Two Cities by Shakespeare! I'll bet he'd have liked to have written it, though! Or maybe Dickens might've liked to have written Two Gentleman of Verona instead of Two Cities?
What are you bunging up the port holes for? Don't they close adequately? Do they let in the cold or, worse, water?
Margaret P

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Are they draughty? Sticky door insulation tape? The foam one is quite flexible to go round the circle.

Winters End Rambler said...

Oh dear...I do hope water isn't leaking into the boat. Or is it just that glass is cold? x

kate steeper said...

i did see an idea for some hipster numpty who had portholes in his des res , they had made quilted sunflowers they attached with those little velcro dots you can get that he had glued to the frames

Hard up Hester said...

The windows on the boat at are single glazed, we have secondary glazing for the bigger windows but I'm making bungs for the port holes as they are too awkward for secondary glazing. There are only two port holes on the boat, 1 in the bathroom and one in the corridor, they don't let water in but the bathroom is chilly.

The Weaver of Grass said...

That is basically the trouble with quiz teams I fear.

Col said...

With one question to go, our pub quiz team were neck and neck with our oldest adversaries.
The question was 'Who captained The Black Pig'? Three of us knew it was Captain Pugwash, but our fourth team member was so sure she had the answer, she rang our bell and shouted out "Hornblower"!


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...