Sunday, 26 November 2017


When my children were younger I used to make a big thing of Christmas, I always put all the trimmings up on the first weekend in December.
We were always the first with our decorations up.
Now everyone seems to be putting their Christmas decoration up already and it's still November.


Chris said...

Yes, there are a few up on my street already, but part of that is to get the outdoor stuff up before the weather gets extremely cold. It's going to be mild on Tuesday so I may put up some lights then.

50 and counting said...

I know!

I don't start Christmas until December 15. The tree goes up.

Janice said...

Our next door neighbour had their tree up the first week in November!!! Far too early for me, I'll maybe do ours mid December.

Marjorie said...

My tree goes up on Christmas Eve.

Col said...

Our tree will be going up on or about the 16th, that's more than early enough for me!
Normally it would be about the 23rd, but our Grandson is 15 months old now, and getting very excited, so it's going up earlier, for him!

cumbrian said...

Noticed the first house all lit up outside last night. It just seems to get earlier every year.

justjill said...

First Saturday in December the DP goes and purchases a real tree. He now has to do the decs too on it, though I tweak them ! House in a neighbouring village that does the outside of the house big time lit it at the weekend.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

We always do our the first weekend in December. I may have to do it Friday as we are out this weekend. November is too early!

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...