Friday, 24 November 2017

This is the day

This is it, the day has finally arrived.
I've been planning for this day since last year.
I've scrimped and saved, browsed all the adverts and offers on line.
I'm sure I can save an absolute fortune, after all it is BLACK FRIDAY.
So I've written my list and I'll hit the shops as soon as I've dropped CHS at work.

Well here it is the list of items I purchased today.

1 dozen eggs
A loaf of bread.

I've saved a lot of money by not getting carried away by all the hype and not buying anything unnecessary.


TrishWish said...

Our list is shorter! Nothing!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Very sunny here, no black Friday!

Linda d said...

No shopping going on here! I've never done Black Friday and never will.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Well done. Good self control!

justjill said...

Hear hear.

Janice said...

We did go out. DH got 2-5L jugs of motor oil, that we use, at a really good reduction. I bought 3 Pandora charms for the price of 2, so that took care of 3 Christmas presents. So the trip out was well worth if for us, but we did not join in on any of the madness that you see on tv.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED you blog today!! I was curious to see your list and you blew me away with the LONG list you had!!
Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada where it is a balmy +5C today and the snow is melting - perfect snowman and snowball weather!

Jo said...

My vacuum cleaner died recently so I've been cleaning everywhere with a dustpan and brush. My back is delighted that I found a Black Friday bargain of a new vacuum. However it is the first time that I have ever bought something in a Black Friday sale. It might be the last too : )

cumbrian said...

Bag of bananas, 10" pizza, 1 litre greek yoghurt, 1 salmon & cucumber sandwich, 1 bag brussls, 3 x 250 gr. butter.

All 10p each on yellow stickers.

Not a bad Black Friday.

Chris said...

Stayed home and saved my money for something I really need in the future.

kelley said...

stopped for a jar of peanuts on the way to work...ended up buying 3 toys for the charity donation box...done shopping...

Debdor said...

I accidentally got a Cyber Monday bargain, the trainers that I was ordering anyway for my daughter, had 30 per cent off, so that was a good surprise. I would definitely support a 'no spend' day, I am surprised that no one has started one?

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...