Thursday, 30 November 2017

How much!!

I treated CHS to a pork chop for his tea last night, it's his favourite meal. He has worked so many different shifts this week to cover for a colleague going to a funeral and another one going for an interview. Then to add insult to injury an email was sent to say all overtime must be approved in advance as the bill was too high. The staff member who has to approve the overtime is the person who is supposed to cover any absence in their team but refuses to do so!

CHS is justifiably pissed off, hence the treat of the pork chop, mind you I nearly changed my mind when the butcher told me it was £3.36, for one chop!

And I'm trying to reduce the food bill at the moment.

We're having porridge for breakfast made with 50/50 milk and water, CHS is having soup or leftovers or jacket potato for his lunch, I'm having tinned tomatoes or egg on toast.

Tuesday we had liver and bacon, I used half the liver, a rasher of bacon, half an onion and 3 mushrooms, I started it off at lunch time on the hob then added some water and an Oxo cube and brought it to the boil. Then I moved it onto the Morso stove and left it to simmer  for the rest of the day, it was thick and delicious by the time we ate at around 6o'clock.

I've just checked the till receipt to see how much the liver cost but it's not showing, it must not have registered when it was scanned. I went to a manned till, not a self serve so it wasn't done on purpose, hey ho, free food, even better.


Col said...

If only you'd known the liver was free before you ate it, you'd have enjoyed it even more knowing that!

Chris said...

Poor CHS! He really deserved his treat. I hope he was getting time and a half for the overtime.

Margie from Toronto said...

Meat is very expensive - I now tend to only buy what is on sale each week or what I can get at 50% off. We don't get "Yellow Stickers" here but meat will often go on 50% off on the day of expiry - they label it as "Eat Tonight" or freeze, which is usually what I do.
Come January I'll be eating from the stockpile and using up whatever is in the freezer.
So glad your hubby enjoyed his pork chop - sounds as though it was very well deserved.

Winters End Rambler said...

Pork chop...yes please...liver and bacon...not for me...what a Wally CHS works with! x

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...