Sunday, 29 March 2020


Still bitterly cold here.

Still wearing my  shrug with the crispy edge.

Beano only wanted very short walks today.

Steve's got a cold and feels unwell, mainly panic I think.

Couldn't find anything interesting to watch on tv so did way too much tapestry and now my thumb aches like buggery.

I can't watch catchup tv as we only have a limited mifi.

I did a load of washing, what a boring post.

I'll try harder tomorrow.


justjill said...

Still raised a smile.x

Chris said...

Well, at least the day has passed and we are one day closer to being free to wander where we might!

Marjorie said...

always good to read the words you put on paper. Hope the thumb is better tomorrow. Hugs.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

How about playing with some crystals and building energy fields ?? Can be quite absorbing with interesting results.
Take care and stay warm Hester.
Kathy xx

Poppypatchwork said...

Our lives are becoming boring to read, we have all to try harder.

flis said...

I'm just wiping up muck that I had conveniently previously ignored.Also mopping up accidents as my dogs deposit it throughout the house as they are confused with the restrictions to their usual lives and are disoriented.Last night as I was walking across the landing to the bathroom I stepped in a big dollop- lovely!x

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...