Thursday, 28 January 2021

Molly the muntjac

 I walked Beano just before 8:30 this morning.

As we were walking along the towpath  Molly a muntjac deer who lives in the woods nearby burst from the undergrowth and ran ahead of us. 

Fortunately Beano didn't give chase he just looked somewhat surprised. 

It's the first time I've seen her during the day, she normally only appears at dusk.


Beacee said...

How lovely! It must seem quite surreal though. Well done Beano for not chasing her.
hugs x

Chris said...

That must have been quite an experience for both of you!

Carruthers said...

Great to see. We've had the odd one round here - but I haven't seen one for a long time.

My Piece of Earth said...

A big surprise for you both. We had two deer in our back garden yesterday, we have deer visit every day.
They are going to have a difficult time right now due to the heavy snow fall we are having at present.

 I shall be in bed before midnight so here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year.