Friday, 9 July 2021


Beano is sat on the back of the sofa hoping I'll share my KitKat with him.


busybusybeejay said...

I was going to say “give him a bit” but dogs are not allowed chocolate(I think?).Just remember my daughter’s dog eating a chocolate orange and it costing her £200 at the vets!!

Sansthing said...

Ever hopeful, mine has just the same pleading look! All he gets is a piece of carrot.

Chris said...

He's gorgeous! I'm sure he is a good boy, most of the time.

Debby said...

I had a dog which ate an entire chocolate bunny from an easter basket. It was a big bunny and he was a small dog. He didn't die. He didn't even get sick. I always think of it as the Easter miracle.

Hard up Hester said...

I've been told that milk chocolate is less toxic than plain. Beano won't eat carrot, he gets a small piece of dried sausage from the pet shop.

Jaccs said...

Bless Beano, I bet it’s hard to resist that face though!!❤️

It's not a secret.

Y'day while Steve was out with his friend Bob, Betty phoned and asked if I'd like to go and get the cheap vegetables from the nearby...