Thursday, 18 November 2021


DD1 brought the wrath of god down on to the school, or at least it must have seemed like it. The child that is diabetic is one of DD1's  fostered children so she has a lot of back up when fighting his corner. Social services contacted the school as did the diabetes team.


busybusybeejay said...

Quite right!Hope the diabetes team gave the school lots of help.I think your daughter is amazing fostering.Not the easiest.Barbara

Catriona said...

OMG-cannot believe school was so ignorant about diabetes. Thank goodness for people like your daughter who are there to stand up for the children in her care. I hope the school will now be given extra training on keeping children with medical conditions safe.

Angela said...

If this child is the ONLY diabetic, then all the more reason to be aware of his needs.Well done DD

Lynda said...

My son’s friend has asthma. In primary school he was told he could not keep his asthma inhaler with him but it had to be locked up in the school office. When he needed it it was to tell his teacher who would notify the office and then someone would eventually go unlock the cupboard and get it to him...while he was getting worse. After several arguments, his mother told him to keep it in his backpack and use it when he needed it...he’d had one since he was about 2 and wasn’t stupid!
I’m so glad your daughter brought in all of the “ big guns” to back her up!

Ellen D. said...

Congrats and thanks to your daughter! I am glad she is supporting and protecting her foster child by getting the school to listen.

Rambler said...

So hard to believe that any school had absolutely no knowledge of either a diabetic pupil attending or the wherewithal to take care of that child. Hopefully they are now equipped to cope in the future.

Moira said...

Good for your daughter, she is a very good mum.

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