Saturday, 6 November 2021

Today i spoke to people.

Our friends that we travelled with over the summer visited today.

We walked to the local cafe for breakfast and coffee and we walked back and we talked non-stop. They showed us lots of pics of their new granddaughter. They bought us some eggs from a farm shop near where they are moored. They also bought a loaf of bread as I'd run out.

Beano was so pleased to meet up with their dog Daisy, they set off for home at about 2:30.

All in all it was a lovely day.

I know a lot of bloggers post about their day, I rarely do as my days are very samey, all I do is housework and dog walks but today I had something to write about.


Ellen D. said...

Sounds nice! Most of us have routine lives so it is very pleasant to have a day with friends!

lindsey said...

That sounds like a great day. I guess most of us have 'samey' lives because that is how life is. My husband and I speak more about the behaviour of our dogs on their daily walks than we speak about anything else. We haven't yet reached the behaviour of some couples who go out for a meal and then sit there not saying a thing. So sad. However, as we are now in Northern Ireland, it is very hard not to run into someone one knows or just to get chatting to nearby people. It is really just a big village and it would be hard not to make friends. So glad that you and Beano enjoyed a catch up with your friends x

TrishWish said...

We too had a day with friends this week and just talked and talked and enjoyed it so much!

Chris said...

And what a nice day you had too!

My Piece of Earth said...

Glad you had a nice visit with friends, it great to catch up with a good natter.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...