Saturday, 8 June 2024

Out of sight,

Not out of mind!

Steve is away at  a friend's wedding, he was collected this morning by the groom.

I've no idea what food was served at the reception but it won't have been to Steve's taste. Well, unless they served KFC or Mcdonalds!

This means Steve will be rat arsed as he will have eaten no food to mop up the copious amounts of Fosters he will have consumed

I was looking forward to a peaceful weekend, but it's not to be. Steve has been texting me repeatedly about a photo of a motorbike that is on his kindle from 10 years ago. I have looked but I can't find it.

I expect it's on his phone which he has with him!

I've bathed Beano and taken him for numerous walks and repeatedly looked for a 10 year old photo of a motorbike.

I'm hoping to get an early night tonight as I slept badly last night. Fortunately I no longer drive so if Steve decides he's had enough and wants to come home he'll have to manage on public transport.


Damselfly said...

I hope you had the early night you wanted/needed, and your sleep was deep & restful. Wishing you calm & wonderful week.

Anonymous said...

What in the name of hell does he need a 10 year old picture of a motor bike for?
At a freaking wedding?
Tell him you threw the kindle off the balcony
and all his beer is next.
Is there a name for his brand of crazy?
Enjoy your weekend and stop answering his texts and calls.Id change the locks while he's gone and then drink all his beer.

Siebrie said...

Kindly tell him once that you've looked and it's not on your phone, and then stop looking and enjoy your evening.
I have been known to block my partner and children if they bother me with stupid requests (aka things they can find out for themselves - I'm not their outsourced memory!).

flis said...

I realise now myself that I've been too attentive to my husband - I am holding back my help to his nonsense - difficult because it's not my nature - but it does affect my health if I don't x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...