Tuesday 11 June 2024

Bloody men.

My daughter's ex, is an ex for a reason, he complained endlessly when they were together. She was too fat (she's a size six), she didn't do enough housework, he didn't want to contribute to the household bills, yada, yada.  Eventually  she got fed up and they split up, he's been a PITA ever since. 

He became convinced she had someone else so he started dropping in unannounced but he was never able to catch her with anyone else.

Instead of realising that she was happy single he decided to fit a tracker to her car so he could follow her. 

When my daughter discovered the tracker she went to the police. The case is going to court!


flis said...

I saw a tv programme recently about someone putting a tracker on a woman's car - He was a nasty piece of work - If I had my time again I wouldn't waste so much time with men -looking back my best times have been without one x

Ellen D. said...

Good for her! Her ex sounds dangerous! I hope the police keep him away.

Anonymous said...

It's called coercive control. I hope the police prosecute him, he should be in prison.

Carole R said...

What an absolute pig of a man. I hope that he gets a conviction and that your daughter gets free of him altogether.

Donna said...

Omggg...hope she is okay! How awful for her! Glad she took it to the police!

Beth Waltz said...

Highly recommend purchasing the gizmo that enables one to scan for hidden cameras and trackers! Not expensive, easy to use, and makes a nice gift for family and friends who might be stalked by these types.

Sue said...

Good for her, all to often men get away with tricks like this. I believe the police are really clamping down on coercive controlling behaviour at the moment, and about time.

So far it's crap

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