Sunday, 25 August 2019

Doing our bit

When I take Beano out for his morning walk I collect all the rubbish near our boat, next I collect all the abandoned bottles and glasses and put them on a table in the pub garden.

When we take him for a longer walk we walk to Burghfield lock or Southcoat lock, we help lock any boats through. I also pick up all the abandoned poo bags we see on our walk.

It's a shame everyone doesn't do this.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Isn't it just. People go to the trouble of picking their pets poo up then abandon the bag. I don't get it! I have taught my grandchildren to collect litter the only problem is they give it to me to hold. I look like alcoholic Nanny by the end of our walk as it always seems to be beer and cider cans they find!

cumbrian said...

If everybody acted a bit more responsibly there'd be no need?

The Weaver of Grass said...

I think it is the same everywhere but you sound to be doing your bit so there is hope.

JanF said...

I agree, and it's such an easy thing to do - to pick up after oneself.
I even clean up a little in public bathrooms always leaving it cleaner than when I went in ( the airline past in me showing up!) and I put back clothing in its correct place in the large Charity shop.
The abandoned poop bags are ridiculous, I wonder if people use them in case they are seen not picking up the poop and then simply drop them a few yards away.

Susan Heather said...

Our grandchildren were beginning to think we were alcoholics as I pick up rubbish on my morning walk and all the recyclables go in our recyclable bin - usually lots of RTD bottles.

Pam Monks said...

It must be something to do with being a blogger. I live near the perimeter fence of an airport. This is an area well maintained with wild flower meadows, grassy areas and attractive trees and shrubs. Plane spotters and families with young children come and spend time there. Most days I walk one mile in one direction and then turn and retrace my steps, picking up rubbish on my return journey and most days I collect a carrier bag full.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...