Friday 23 August 2019

The Cunning Man

We are moored near a pub called the Cunning Man. We have had an assortment of neighbours, some stay only a few hours, some stay a few days.

We've had Mystic Waters, Thrupenny bit, Great Britain, Water Lilly and many others. A while ago we saw a boat called Argybargy, yesterday was saw R G Bargee.

We've seen a few people we know from various blogs and vlogs and had a chat and w
e've locked some single handers through the nearest lock.

There is a family of swans nearby mum, dad and seven cygnets, they sail past us twice a day but don't want feeding. 

I couldn't get mum and dad both in the photo as they were too spread out and I was stood on a narrow bridge. There are also Canada geese and Greyling geese upstream a way.
We will be here for another week I think as it's very pleasant.


justjill said...

Lovely. A pub and wildfowl. Heaven.

Margie from Toronto said...

What a lovely spot - hope you are getting a bit of a rest.

JanF said...

It looks idyllic.
I am not a boater so please excuse this question, if you really like a mooring can you stay for a long time? If you need move on after a certain time can you return like a week later or so?

Hard up Hester said...

H and, maximum mooring time is 14 days on a towpath mooring such as this one, some are only 48 hours. The rules state that boats must move at least one kilometre every move and travel twenty miles a year. Boats cannot move from A to B and then back to A. Boats must move on a recognisable journey.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Beautiful photo. A large flock of Canada geese came over our camp site last weekend and they were so noisy, like they were having a real argument. It did make me giggle.

Lyssa Medana said...

Looks so lovely

JanF said...

Thank you for the boating explanation. It sounds very sensible and fair. I hope you find it that way too.

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