Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Cooking for 30

Stroke Club today for Steve and my turn to cook for them, Spanish chicken with rice.

It was 93 degrees in the kitchen which
made it hard work but everyone enjoyed the meal so it was worth it.

It can be a challenge to cook for so many as the hall doesn't have an industrial kitchen, just a normal domestic set up. A five ring hob and two oven, neither of which is particularly big. There are a couple of big pans and some really big roasting tins, unfortunately the roasting tins don't fit in the ovens.

We are hoping to wind tomorrow, weather permitting, we are taking DD2 and the dgd with us so they get a little boat trip. It's only a couple of miles and one lock that we will go through twice but it will take a couple of hours and then we will have a picnic lunch.


justjill said...

Well done and your trip sounds lovely.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Your trip sounds lovely, enjoy.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...
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Chris said...

You're a brave woman to tackle such a big cooking job. Well done! Enjoy your sail tomorrow.

Hard up Hester said...

I used to cook for 15 at Christmas when the in-laws visited so thirty isn't too daunting.

JanF said...

I think you are doing really well, cooking for that many would really stress me out.
Have a lovely trip, it sounds wonderful.

Bruce Watson said...

Thanks for your sharing such valuable cooking ideas with us. I'm a big fan of cooking and I love to do it all day. I listen to several famous chefs, try their recipes, and even read blogs and cookbooks too. Anything that'll help me to improve my cooking. Can you please guide me on which cookbook should I read for more ideas? I'm currently reading The Dressing Table and I found it very helpful and enjoyed the recipes a lot. Please share your thoughts as well. Keep posting stuff like this.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...