Friday, 9 August 2019

An assortment of neighbours

We are moored in a very popular area and in the week we have been here, a lot of boats have moored nearby, some have moved on with others taking their place.

We have had Granny Spice, Bodger, Foxtrot, Together Forever, Oberon, Twelfth of Never, Lingalonga to name but a few.

One of our neighbours has plants all over her boat, tomato plants, bonsai trees, huge cacti and flowers. I'm hoping to get permission to take some photos when I see her next.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

When we used to go camping regularly we would name all the people around us. The fit family, all wore joggers and were always playing sports. The fat family, their kitchen was bigger than the tent. The alcoholics, who drank and drank. LOL.

Hard up Hester said...

Going It, at least we don't have to think of names often as most boats are names. There is a couple that most people refer to as the Steptoe's as the rootle throughs bins and collect what other people have thrown out.

Col said...

I once took to calling my husband Steptoe, as for a few months, every time he took anything to the 'tip', he returned with something else! Annoyingly though he always made something great out of what he brought home, some old pallets were turned into a drop leaf garden table and a vertical herb planter, both sanded and treated and looking wonderful! He came home with a rather large fountain base once, still in the battered sale box, obviously someone bought it and couldn't be bothered siting it. It looks wonderful in our garden though, and the birds love it!
He seems to have grown out of the habit now, but I'm promising nothing!

Hard up Hester said...

Lol, Col, men, who'd have,email.

Tanya said...

My best friend is moving away. Now nobody will know who I am talking about if I refer to Mrs Bellybutton, Miss M., Duck or Skinny!

Hard up Hester said...

Lol, love those names Tanya.

Anonymous said...

I saw Granny Spice moored in Newbury on Saturday lunchtime by the footbridge between Greenham lock and Ham lock...had a little smile as I'd seen it mentioned here :)

Hard up Hester said...

Small world isn't it.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...