Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Buy no new clothes for a month

There is a lot of talk about not buying fast fashion. People are being encouraged to buy nothing new for a month.

I bought a new bra a few months ago now, before that the last new item I purchased was a dress to attend a family wedding and that was before I retired.

I don't even buy much second hand either, three skirts and two tee shirts are about it.

I do buy new shoes regularly, usually Sketchers or Hotter I'm hard on shoes and need something safe when clambering over the locks.


Dc said...

Same here although I will have to buy some new long sleeved tee shirts for winter. My current ones have seen me through last winter and this summer and now have no stretch left in them and are getting uncomfortable.

Treaders said...

I retired at Christmas and other than for my son's wedding I haven't bought a darned thing (and don't think I could find my bra if I needed too). Bliss!

Col said...

Until I lose quite a bit of weight, I'm not buying anything new at all, and even when (positive thinking, not if, but when) I do lose I have loads of things that I'll be able to get into again, so still won't need to buy anything new! Even my bras were only worn for a few weeks before I expanded my way out of them, so hopefully they'll also be fine!
I have made a few skirts and a couple of dresses, but as I already had the fabric in my stash, I'n not counting them!
My problem is handbags, I admit it's an addiction, but because I pay ridiculous amounts of money for them, I keep them forever, I have one 'Bridge' bag which has been with me since 1975, so I definitely get my money's worth out of them! It's still beautiful, (classic design never dates) and the leather is soft and buttery now, I intend to keep it until someone prises it from my cold, dead fingers! :-)

Margie from Toronto said...

I'm about 7 pounds shy of being able to comfortably get back into my smallest sized dress trousers and then I'll be set for Fall. The only items on my NEED IT shopping list are 2 new bras (very expensive), black walking shoes - either Clarks or Eccos and a new black cross-body bag.

The 2 items on my WANT list are a medium grey cardigan and a bright pink shirt.

cumbrian said...

Haven't bought anything this year and the only thing last year was a new pair of shoes when my old ones were leaking, I only have 1 pair. Never could understand my ex wifes enthusiasm for buying new things, she never wore anything out in 35 years.

The Weaver of Grass said...

These days I rarely seem to buy clothes - used to buy a lot but can't be bothered now.

JanF said...

Good shoes are very important and,as you say, especially so for your particular situation.

Hard up Hester said...

It seems a lot of us don't buy many clothes.

Lyssa Medana said...

Back in @ 1992, or thereabouts, I hadn't bought clothes for years. Then DH upset me. I can't remember the details but I spent nearly £200 on stuff, the dearest being @ £15 or so, as I raided the market and cheap shops, and I can still remember his face as I kept pulling more and more stuff out of bags and draping it around the room. I've still got one of the tops and wear it all the time.

I get a lot of second hand stuff for bear, but I aim for really nice stuff from eBay. Picked up some good stuff for DH secondhand as well. I'm not really the target audience for a lot of advertising.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...