Wednesday, 14 August 2019


An update about Beano.

He is still doing well, he has put on weight and gets lots of exercise.

We bought him a dog tag with our phone numbers on, top of the range, solid brass. It was so heavy Beano started to look like Quasimodo. So off it came, we will buy him a lightweight one instead.

He's had a couple of frights  lately, first a couple on a tandem riding along the towpath at dusk with the biggest, brightest headlight I've ever seen on a bike.
This morning he was frightened by a chap using a garden parasol as an umbrella, he was struggling to hold it and was weaving about. I always put Beano on the lead if he looks nervous, not because he will attack, but because he will run away and I worry he will get lost, usually he runs for the boat but I don't want to take any risks.

Beano still hates the rain and gives me such dirty looks as if the weather is my fault.

He likes to sleep on our bed if he can sneak in.


thelma said...

He is getting a good life. It is always good to read about life on the canal, reminds me of the walk from Bath to Bradford-on-Avon I used to walk with my dog, but then bicycles became a bit of a hazard, so quiet as they came up behind you.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

So pleased Beano is adapting to his life on water. I bet he's great company, I miss my little lad so much.

Carol Caldwell said...

Sounds like he is doing well despite being spooked occasionally. He has fitted into your life perfectly.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I know that doggy look well. I will not allow Tess on my bed and keep the doot closed - she would be in like a shot given the chance.

Lyssa Medana said...

Beano definitely landed on his paws - he's lucky he's with you, even if it does rain

Sally said...

I'm glad Beano is doing so well and is happy but do you know it's illegal not to have a tag on him, so best to put his heavy brass one back on until you get the new one.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...