Tuesday, 15 October 2019

A visit from a stash thief

The bread and butter pudding was very well received so it was worth it.

Dgd visited today, she is ok but wasn't allowed to return to school so spent the day on the boat with me.

We dropped Steve and the bread and butter pudding  at stroke club and then returned home. I knew dgd needed a decent pair of fabric scissors so I got all my sewing boxes out and we had a rummage.

I found some scissors, ball point needles for dgd's sewing machine and a few other bits and pieces.
Then we started on my fabric stash, it is now decidedly denuded but it was worth it to see dgd's excitement and pleasure.


Thickethouse.wordpress said...

This is always so much fun with grandchildren. My 2 granddaughters sometimes "shop" in my stash and my button box!

Chris said...

Same here with my card making supplies. They always leave a huge mess. My fault for not making them tidy up but it keeps them amused for quite a while. Glad the pudding went down well.

Chris said...

Meant to say, you are on late tonight Hester. It must be after midnight where you are! Time to go to bed.

M McCarthy said...

You are such a great mom and grandmom! How wonderful it is that you are able and kindly give your support to your girls and their busy families! It’s so difficult to work full time and have little ones ( or medium sized ones) who need help in a pinch! Well done, H! ❤️❤️❤️

Lyssa Medana said...

That's one of the bonuses to having a stash - being able to share it out!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...