Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Caught cheating

As soon as I got home he knew I'd been unfaithful.

After his initial greeting he became suspicious.

I tried to give him a cuddle but he was having none of it.

He checked my pockets and found nothing incriminating but he was unconvinced.

He checked my handbag with the same results.

He's sat at the far end of the room sulking.

I'm sorry but I'm very fond of dogs so when I'm in someone else house and their dog wants to sit on my knee I let it.

Beano thinks I've been unfaithful, I just couldn't help it.


justjill said...

Oh dear, at least cats dont give a s**t.

50 and counting said...

Never, ever, come home with another dog's scent on your hands! You'll pay for it, lol

Chris said...

That's so funny! Not being a dog owner I was unaware they could check up on you.

Christine Hancock said...

Poor Beano, accused of peeing on the bed and now feeling second best!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Expect a couple of days of sulking - but then a couple of his favourite biscuits and he will c ome round.

Amanda said...

Justjill---oh yes they do! I've come home from petting unauthorized cats, been sniffed, and been pointedly ignored the rest of the day.

Lyssa Medana said...

Poor woofer, pass on a cuddle from me. x

Plodding on.

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