Sunday, 27 October 2019

Ready meals

Sometimes I feel like being lazy and buying ready meals.

Steve wouldn't care, he was brought up to believe that homemade food wasn't as good as shop bought.

But then I buy a ready meal and it tastes like shite, so I don't bother again for a while.


the veg artist said...

I've been quite poorly for the last week, and really wished that I had some ready, pappy meals in the house, but I never do! I've used up all of the home-made then frozen spag bol portions, and anything else that was already almost a meal, and have got through my emergency stock of tinned soups. I still can't face much in the way of solid food, so I think I might have to conjour up a huge pot of soup! Or look into ordering food on-line, something I've never done. I just can't summon the energy.

Joan (Devon) said...

I call them boxed meals and they are convenient to have in. We have quite a few, but that's because I can't prepare and cook anymore due to pain, so it is all down to my husband. He's not a cook and isn't interested in cooking, although when inspiration strikes he'll try a one-pot recipe and it turns out okay and makes a lovely change. At times I'm itching to make a 'proper' meal, but have to admit defeat when the pain starts. So although they are s... they come in very handy for us.

Sarah Spurrier said...

I'm not a ready meal fan either although I do keep a frozen pizza or two in stock for a lazy dinner.
Homemade food is far superior

Sue said...

I'm exactly the same. About once every six months or so I fall for the tasty, healthy looking meal on the box picture and buy one. The taste and sense of unfulfillment stop me buying more ... for a few months!

Fifitr said...

Sometimes the lure of an (almost) effortless meal is too much to resist in the supermarket, especially if it's marked down or on offer. But it never looks like it does on the box, there never seems to be more than a couple of bits of protein in it, and whatever the cuisine it always seems to have a slight sweet undertaste and the sauce is gloopy. But then something new comes on the market and it looks all healthy and fresh on the box... and off I go again...

cumbrian said...

Yes. taste like shite and probably full of it.

Joan (Devon) said...

I want to make it clear that we don't live on boxed meals, but they do come in handy.

Chris said...

The closest I get to pre-made food is buying a rotisserie chicken and adding my own vegs. Also I quite like to buy sushi and always keep some pickled ginger and wasabi mustard in the fridge. These are pretty much the only boxed meals I indulge in.

kate steeper said...

Always have a few pot noodles and a couple of Tesco Stockwell frozen meals in , just for when im to ill to cook and himself needs something , he cant even do those himself these days as he cant carry them without his tremors meaning he throws them everywhere so its a bit problematic

shadypinesqltr said...

I live alone so often get tired of the pot of soup/stew/chili I've made. So I make up my own freezer meals but I often grab "healthy" frozen dinners when on sale then add a veg to fill the plate. I found some vegetable strudel at Aldis last week which have proved to be tasty. You just have watch the salt content.

Col said...

We've just moved from a house with an enormous kitchen to a bungalow with a kitchen which is a third of the size of the old one, and that's problematic in itself. However, the worst bit was not having an oven, hob, or fridge freezer plumbed in for the first two weeks, so we ate a lot of microwaved garbage. I have an electric pressure cooker, so made soup or stew a few times, but only in small amounts, as no way of freezing extra. In those two weeks I gained 5lbs in weight, despite actually eating a lot less than normal and working physically hard, it shows how much total crap is in ready meals!
Fortunately my fridge freezer in the kitchen was plumbed in last Saturday, the big chest freezer for the garage was finally delivered on Sunday, and the oven and hob were connected yesterday. Now all I'm waiting for is the larder cupboard to be put in (happening today) and I can bring all the food that is still sitting in cupboards at our old house!
We've been lucky enough to be able to buy this bungalow before selling our old house, which has helped a huge amount, as we're able to store 'stuff' at the old place, but it means I'm paying two lots of council tax, elec, gas, water etc. As soon as we're sorted here, we'll be tarting the old house up and getting it on the market. Properties like our old one have been selling in about 4-6 weeks, so hopefully we won't have it for long. We need it right now though, to store things until we decide what's happening to everything, charity shop, auction, or attempt to fit it in here!
How you manage to live on the boat is beyond me, you have my admiration, as I know I could never manage to downsize to such a
I'm going to roast a chicken today, to celebrate being able to cook! Hurray!

Meanqueen said...

I have a look in the shop freezers and chiller cabinets and think shall I get one, would be handy to have in. I look at the ingredients on the back and think, yuk, what the hell is that, so I walk on by. Occasionally I will cave in, but it has to be meatless, usually pasta, cost around £1, and one I could divide into two portions. A whole one is too big for me. This only happens about twice a year though.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...