Friday, 1 November 2019

It's been an busy few days

Sunday I cooked a beef joint, I stretched it to do a roast dinner with enough left for sandwiches and another meal as well. I also made some leek and potato soup and stored it in jars in the fridge as I knew there would be times when I was too knackered to cook.

Monday as arranged I looked after seven of the grandchildren whilst their parents went to my ex MIL's funeral. Once my son in law got home from work I left him with his four children and I brought the other three of the children back to the boat with me. I did my weekly shop on the way home. I spent under £30 which I was pleased about. Once home I made a meal for the children and their mum collected them at about 7:30.

Once they'd left I made thirty portions of rice pudding for stroke club. It was very well received by the members.

Tuesday I went to DD1's for a couple of hours as we'd not had chance to chat on Monday.

Wednesday we did very little apart from walking Beano, Steve is always tired the day after stroke club. It was bitterly cold but I did manage to get one load of washing dry on the back of the boat.

Thursday two work colleagues visited Steve, I made sausages rolls and chocolate brownies for them. Once they'd gone I cut out a bag I want to make, I really want to do more sewing whilst we are in the marina. I didn't get as much done as I wanted as Steve couldn't find his masking tape, cue much rampaging around the boat cursing and swearing. Eventually I found it for him in the first place I looked!

I shall suggest he has a sort out of his tools and consumables today, he has his stuff spread out in various places and wastes a lot of time looking for things.

I'm hoping to get some more done on my bag today, it's wet out and Beano hates the rain so he won't want to be out for long. I have a pan of veg soup simmering on the stove I bring it to the boil on the hob and then leave it simmering on top of the morso stove. Steve won't eat it but I've finished all the leek and potato soup and I find it useful to have some in the fridge for when Steve wants to eat crap.

I've finished making all the make up removal pads but I'm still knitting facecloths. I had to frog the socks I was making so I need to restart those. I also have a pattern to knit Beano a coat, some of the dgc's need draw string bags and I want to make more cloth shopping bags as the ones I made before are full of the kindling I collected throughout the summer.


Diary of a Nobody said...

I have a list of things I should be making including a cover for MIL poufe which I was going to give her for Christmas which she did not seen impressed with even though the fabric is gorgeous and cost an arm and a leg .
I know what tourism about men looking things my hubby is always looking things that turn up where I said they were .
I have pork casserole synthesis cooker for tomorrow , and I am going to make veg soup .

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I have some old pillowcases and sheets. I think it would make good bags. I too have a husband who can't find something despite being in front of him.

Chris said...

Seems like you've had a busy few days. Hope you can take it easy over the weekend.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...