Sunday, 24 November 2019

Keep buggering on

My son visited Thursday, he gave me cards and chocolates.
He's a firefighter, he's currently moving around between various stations covering for holidays and sickness for six months. He's hoping to get assigned to a station full time soon.

He absolutely adores Beano and the feeling is mutual, as soon as he sat down Beano climbed on his knee. His flatmate has a border collie that he feeds and walks regularly as they both work shifts.

Friday I had a cream tea with my DD's. Much better than stuff, it was such a treat. Steve went for lunch with his youngest brother to discuss what's happening next with the house sales. One has sold, two are due to sell before Christmas and there is another project in the pipeline.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope all the property goes through without any glitches. I totally agree spending time with family is much better than stuff!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I hope all the property goes through without any glitches. I totally agree spending time with family is much better than stuff!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...