Saturday, 16 November 2019

Big Girl's Knicker Time

Thank you for all your comments and suggestions, I do appreciate them all.

Steve does have dementia type symptoms, medical opinion is currently that they are caused by the stroke, we will see.

On Monday I will put on my big girls knickers and phone DWP to see what we do next. I'm expecting it to be a long and tortuous experience

Last night we had one of the dgd's to stay, she is 11 and very enthusiastic about sewing and fabric. Earlier in the week I'd taken my car in for a minor repair, I popped into a nearby fabric shop to buy cotton cord as I knew dgd wanted a new PE bag made. I spotted a remnant of camouflage fabric and spent 95p on it.

Steve went to bed early as always, dgd and I cracked out my sewing machine and fabric stash.

We made a blue PE bag for her, she liked the camouflage fabric but I explained that it was too thin and not robust enough to use as a PE bag, we used some blue curtain fabric. We also made  eleventy billion scrunchies, we made some in gingham, some in Christmas fabric and some in the camouflage fabric. We both had a lovely time.


Bettina Groh said...

I am so glad you and your grand daughter had a lovely time!! As my husband said... God knows she needs it!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You wear those big girl knickers with pride. You know you can do this. What a great time you had with your granddaughter.

Jean said...

So glad you had lovely time with your grand daughter. My husband is definitely affected mentally since his big stroke 5 years ago. All the best with DWP. I'm glad we are on pensions so don't have to do battle with them.

Sue said...

Have you spoken to CAB? They can help you find out what benefits you are entitled to and help fill in the forms. It may be less painful than speaking to DWP direct

Chris said...

Your time with your granddaughter is time well spent. She will remember this day long after you are gone.

Beacee said...

Thank goodness for such moments of pleasure. Hugs x

MargaretP said...

Fingers crossed that you get some help soon and your stress levels drop a bit.
Sewing with kids is always fun, if you need a sturdy fabric and the favorite choice is not suitable you can just back it with another fabric and do some lines of machine quilting....nothing fancy just lines about 1-2 inches apart, makes very tough bags etc.
Have fun sewing.

Anonymous said...

My paternal grandmother suffered from vascular dementia in later life - they believe it was triggered by damage caused by a number of micro-strokes that she had in her late 50s/early 60s so please do keep on at the medical folks to monitor him and his symptoms especially if they seem to worsen.

Biggest hugs Caroline xx

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...