Obviously I don't wear my hearing aids in bed, though I have been known to get into bed and into the shower still wearing them
This proved to be a bonus last night as the row between a floating trader and an aggrieved wife has now broadened to include the landlady of a nearby pub.
The injured parties then took to private messaging EVERYBODY in their contacts list.
I didn't sleep well last night but I wasn't online so I knew nothing of this until I got up and discovered I needed to delete eleventy billion pm's
At some point all this activity triggered a response from Facebook as the last message I received was from another trader advising me that the protagonists have had their Facebook privileges revoked.
Maybe it would be a good idea if people had to take a breathalyzer test before they could post!
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Plodding on.
We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...
As the title says, I have hit a bump in the road, not a physical one, but a bump never the less. Therefore I will not be posting for a while...
I'm staying with my daughter for a couple of days.
A young lad, year 5, cast in the school play as rocking chair. He was supposed to remain quiet and just rock occasionally, instead rocked th...
We never take our phones into our bedroom, so like you would have missed it all. I love and hate social media in equal amounts, when is good, I love it, but all the other stuff drives me crazy.
From some of the comments I read online I often wonder if the writers are drunk! Their beer or wine induced wisdom is then left for the rest of the world, but, like drunks in person, they don't seem to realise that the sober person has heard and absorbed what has been said.
An ex of mine, who didn't drink often, but boy, when he did ..... would say, "But I didn't mean it. I was drunk." Nope. Not getting away with that. I heard it.
It used to be a drunken phone call between two people - now it's drunken posts sent out to thousands - annoying and embarrassing! I sleep with earplugs (not enough to drown out my alarm or the fire alarm if it should go off) - but enough to block out the odd night of crazy neighbour behaviour. I get all the gossip the next day but miss all the interruptions! :-)
I don't have a Faceache account, but from what I've seen on some other forums (fora?) I don't know about a breathalyser, but some should have a test for presence of an actual brain before posting!:-D
I have my phone next to my bed but it's on out of hours which means no sound. Suits me. Do people not realise once its said on the internet it's there for a long time....and it could have serious repercussions.
I have my phone next to my bed but it's on out of hours which means no sound. Suits me. Do people not realise once its said on the internet it's there for a long time....and it could have serious repercussions.
I have worn earplugs for years, up until this May. I didn't hear the doorbell, or the stranger pounding on the door at 5am...our neighbours house was on fire and they wanted us out right away. It was terrifying and I have not worn them since. Now I don't sleep very well anymore either, so I am considering going back to them.
Yes, I agree, Facebook has become a place where you say things that you would not always say to someone face to face and it is in the ethernet for posterity. Not wise, by my standards.
I don't know about Facebook but I definitely need a breathalyser before eBay!
Lyssa, that made me laugh.
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