Tuesday, 26 November 2019

How could you choose.

Steve went to stroke club today, I made a jam sponge for them.

I took Beano to DD1's and collected some parcels, stuff to that Steve had ordered.

DD has more information about our prospective new grandchild, definitely a boy, definitely eight years old.

The lad was adopted as a tot but has developed a medical condition that the adopters are not prepared to deal with so he has been returned to the care system!


pollyanna said...

Over the years I've been shocked at the number of people returning dogs and cats to our local animal rescue once illness happens. I can't understand anyone returning a child whose been part of the family for years!

I hope all goes well and the little boy gets to be part of your big, loving family.

Keep plodding Hester.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Poor little mite. How can anyone reject a child like that - what it must have done to himmentally doesn't bear thinking about.

Poppypatchwork said...

Your daughter is a Saint, how could anyone hand back a child because they have medical issues.

Bettina Groh said...

How could anyone do that??? Hope your family will receive help over the transition...

justjill said...

Awful..That poor kid. Hang on in there. xxx

Allegra said...

Don't some people just make you despair :-(. Thank goodness for decent human beings like your DD.

Jackie said...

I don't post very often but am just so upset that someone could return a child that they have hopefully loved at some point.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

That's awful,its actually hard to believe. Your daughter is amazing.

Sally said...

I hope that first set of parents are never allowed to have another child, they are obviously doing this for the wrong reasons! Whatever will it do to that poor child!

Sewing mamie said...

That is shocking , but why would I be surprised people are so shallow now a days it is frightening , I hesitate to say this but would this have been their reaction of the poor lad had been there natural child . It is wonderful that there is someone like your daughter and her family that are willing to give this boy the love he needs .

Tracy said...

The mind boggles. Poor little lad. He will be much better off out of there and with his new loving family.

Rhea said...

Unbelievable. My daughter is also a foster carer and some of the things she sees and hears break your heart. He will know true love now.

Icey said...

And there I was thinking that adoption was a permanent thing! Poor kid, I hope he enjoys the love and care that your DD (and you all) will lavish on him xx

Marjorie said...

I have no words for that family. How can they do this.

Anonymous said...

Makes me ill! I could not do that with an animal, let alone a child...

VC said...

As someone who has worked with young people sadly this doesn't surprise me at all. It doesn't surprise me but it still makes me very sad. Here's hoping for the best outcome for the little one!

Sally said...

I agree with the thoughts of many others you don’t adopt a child and then dump him because he gets sick like some sick animal. 8 hope they are NEVEr allowed to foster or adopt again and if they have their own kids they are taken away and given to loving homes. As to your wonderful daughter she is a national treasure just as are so many unnamed hero’s who try and help these poor children reconstruct their lives after some sick person has messed it up for them. I hope he settles in soon knowing that you daughter loves children.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...