Saturday, 2 November 2019

£3 haul

Today I helped at a local jumble sale so I spent a couple of hours with people to talk to.

I've been asked to help at one towards the end of the month, I will if I can.

For the grand total of £3 I bought:-

5 large foil trays to use when I cook for stroke club.
Some hooks and eyes, the sort used with net curtains.
A tray of 12 cans of fizzy drink.
A tee shirt for a dgd, it has a llama on it.


Eloise said...

It's ages since I found a jumble sale. I do love a mooch round one and it's the ultimate in recycling - so very fashionable nowadays!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'd love to go to a jumble sale but I haven't seen any around here.

Chris said...

Good buys - well worth the three pounds. The foil trays will come in handy.


Bloody hell! My oldest son and his girlfriend are visiting tomorrow. I didn't realise until after I offered to do a buffet for them that...