Saturday, 2 November 2019

£3 haul

Today I helped at a local jumble sale so I spent a couple of hours with people to talk to.

I've been asked to help at one towards the end of the month, I will if I can.

For the grand total of £3 I bought:-

5 large foil trays to use when I cook for stroke club.
Some hooks and eyes, the sort used with net curtains.
A tray of 12 cans of fizzy drink.
A tee shirt for a dgd, it has a llama on it.


Eloise said...

It's ages since I found a jumble sale. I do love a mooch round one and it's the ultimate in recycling - so very fashionable nowadays!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'd love to go to a jumble sale but I haven't seen any around here.

Chris said...

Good buys - well worth the three pounds. The foil trays will come in handy.

In control!

Steve feels the need to be in control of everything at all times. This is why he decided I wasn't shopping correctly, he could do it bet...