Friday, 29 November 2019

Another day done.

Steve is on medication for his anxiety, the Dr is reluctant to increase the dosage.

I will look into direct payments Deborah.

I woke up at 3a.m. to find I was hanging on to half an inch of mattress and I had no covers over me. I got out of bed and rearranged Beano, Steve and the covers and got back in to bed. I was unable to get back to sleep so I read until 7, when I got up, made Steve a cuppa and walked Beano.

After Mondays abortive trip to the audiology repair department Steve decided we needed to be there as doors opened at 9 a.m. This meant driving through Reading town center in the rush hour which is always a joy.

Unfortunately the car windscreen was iced over so we didn't leave as early as Steve would have liked, still we were on our way just after 8.

The journey took an hour and a half and Steve was finally able to get his hearing aid repaired.

From there we went to work, Steve has had two letters containing contradictory information regarding his payments in lieu of notice. I walked Beano for the half an hour whilst Steve discussed the letters and finally received confirmation of the correct details.

We then drove to the supermarket as Steve wanted fish for tea, he's not very good at judging quantities, so we have enough fish for a few meals and some of it is now in the freezer.

We arrived home just after midday whereupon a neighbour arrived, Steve had offered to pole her boat back in beside ours, she was on the tiller going backwards, having someone on the front with a pole makes it easier.

Once the boat at was moored the neighbour came in for a cuppa to warm up.

By now it was gone 2 and Beano needed a walk. On the way we start chatting to some newbie boaters, they wanted to get to Bristol for Christmas and couldn't understand why so many locks were closed. We explained about the winter stoppages, which is where parts of the navigation are closed so the locks can be repaired. They'd also been assured that all the locks would be manned by volunteers and that they wouldn't be expected to work the locks themselves. They were shocked when we told them the vollies only work April to October, only at weekends and only on a few locks, not all of them.

Leaving the saddened newbies to console themselves with a bottle of wine we got back to the boat. By now it was 3:15 and I still hadn't had breakfast or lunch.


Sue in Suffolk said...

I'm awarding you a medal for patience and perseverance.

Those newbies were certainly green - we only had a few holidays on canals but still knew about winter closures and working locks

WendyT said...

Sainsbury’s currently have 25% off clothes if you are able to get the offer ends Monday 2nd Dec x

Philip said...

As a matter of interest, how far can you travel in England on the waterways from where you are (The Thames?) in your narrow boat if you were so inclined? I know the UK has a lot of canals but I'm not sure how connected they are.

Anonymous said...

People I know used to advertise for support in Reading University ( particularly the phycology department ) Personally I used to advertise in special schools as I needed 2 to 1 support who were trained in using Team Teach ( for my family members own safety) . But what about trying support workers who work in the day centres in your area. Most are happy to pick up extra hours this way. I would love to think this could work for you and CHS in some way.


justjill said...

Do you/Steve get Attendance Allowance? Not means tested. You have to be over 6o I think. Also do you have Social Services on board? They have been helpful to us in arranging care and respite care. We are in Scotland which does seem to be better than in England.

Sewing mamie said...

I am wondering why the doctor is unwilling to increase the anti anxiety medication . We live in France and the canal network closes down during the winter months , essential maintenance has to be done sometime .

JanF said...

I second Sue's medal award. I suppose that living on the boat and moving around,as you do, is probably good for your mental health as you constantly see beautiful scenery which changes, and meet new people all the time. This you would not get in a house or apartment.
So sorry you missed the meals, that can get you down too.
All good wishes for a better w/e.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...