Saturday, 12 October 2019

List of complaints

Steve got up at 9 this morning and this is the list of complaints he'd made by 10 o'clock.

It's raining.
The boats listing.
I don't mix the dogs food enough.
Why had I loaned DD2 my car on a day he's going out, (because she asked a month ago and he arranged his lunch meeting yesterday).
I'm wearing the wrong shoes.
I didn't fill the porridge pan with water after I'd used it. (Yesterday he complained because I had filled it with water.)
The stew I was cooking was being boiled to death. (It was just coming to the boil)
He likes stew but why do I have to add so much crap to it. (Crap like onions, herbs, carrots and seasoning)
His lunch out has been cancelled as someone is unwell.
The kindling I've collected over the summer is useless, it burns like wood and not kindling.
How's he supposed to walk the dog in the rain. He doesn't walk him, I do and anyway Beano hates the rain.


Witch Hazel said...


I hope you get an opportunity to go and scream somewhere.

Witch Hazel said...

The previous comment was meant to include a hug, ''

Christine Hancock said...

But you love him so what the heck, we can all sound off sometimes!

ShellyC said...

We all need to be able to sound off somewhere, usually just before we commit murder . . .

rosemarie said...

Oh my goodness, what utter and complete patience you have. We are all cheering you on. Courage take it all with a pinch of salt, pepper and any other spice you have!!! Ro xx

Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. Lots and lots and lots of hugs and good vibes.

JanF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JanF said...

Well, my guess is that all these rants stem from the fact that his lunch was cancelled and he must have been looking forward to it!
I hope your day gets better.

Anonymous said...

My sympathies Hesta, it gets a bit wearing, a bit like the annoying adverts on Classic FM, I turn them down or hum over them.
It is bad enough being given the role of manager of the household instead of both taking equal responsibility for chores, without having a full time critic doing B***** all.

Can you respond with enthusiasm to positive comments and ignore the negative ones- a bit like training the dog.
Perhaps you could say, “I wasn’t listening,” rather than having to answer every moan.
DH is always saying why haven’t I done this or that, and now instead of explaining that I was busy doing something else, I just reply, “Why didn’t you?”

You are on a boat, on water, how about getting a plank from B&Q?


Sewing mamie said...

Don't you wish sometimes that they had a mute button .
My hubby has a very mild case of bells palsy , I told him if he complains any more I will not be responsible. You have my sympathy .

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh dear - sympathies - sounds as though your day can only only get better

Bettina Groh said...

Glad you have some place to vent !! You have my sympathies... husbands or significant others can be a pain!

kate steeper said...

mine is currently on full on winge mode because the car is will be fixed , we are not going anywhere , we never go anywhere im allowed out once a fortnight with my son and he doesnt want to go out except to fish ...aaarrrggggghhhh

Pam Monks said...

My sympathies, keep smiling. It's good that you are able to let off steam here.

Sue said...

It's a good job you don't keep a loaded shotgun to hand ;-)

Debdor said...

Oh Hester, My Mum - who has no condition, apart from being old is like this. If we spend time with her we usually try and take her out somewhere so we are not confined, but she absolutely drains me and takes all the joy out of everything. Then she has the cheek to say I am miserable, or snappy. I don't know how you cope with someone 24/7, I really don't think I could... It must be love!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...