Wednesday, 16 October 2019

That was a mistake

We usually shop at Aldi but as we only wanted milk and eggs we went to Sainsburys as it's nearer.

Big mistake, it's Sainsburys half price toy sale, it was absolutely heaving.

I'm not a fan of plastic tat for children at the best of times and seeing so many people, some with more than one trolley, all overflowing with mountains of plastic, it was horrifying.


Debbie said...

I once read in a book about the World's waste problems that no piece of plastic ever produced had actually disappeared; it still existed "somewhere" - landfill, the sea; recycled goods - wherever.

The only plastic that was no longer with us somewhere on Earth was that which had been incinerated.

I have to say I didn't know that at the time and it left me completely stunned.

Sue in Suffolk said...

and they'll all be selling it at a boot sale in a years time!

The Weaver of Grass said...

It is so very depressing - will they ever learn? I doubt it - it is all about money as usual.

Joan (Devon) said...

We also got caught up in a traffic jam due to the toy sale at our local Sainsbury's. Madness!

Lyssa Medana said...

It's very depressing, and a lot of the time, the kids won't appreciate the tat. I know the last few times I looked at those sort of sales, bear would have been completely disinterested. But the pressure is on to get a bargain on the run up to Christmas and people buy out of desperation because the kid has to have something.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

It's very worrying, we know all the information and consequences of plastic but we just aren't dealing with the problem quick enough.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...