Tuesday 22 September 2020

A sad statistic

The children that DD1 fosters have, between them 17 siblings and half siblings that are in care. Some have been adopted, some haven't. 
Seventeen children who's lives have been blighted by alcohol, drugs, domestic abuse and incarceration. It makes me want to weep.


cumbrian said...

A sad reflection on our "progressive" society.

Joyce said...

At least the ones DD fosters have a caring safe environment with her. Maybe this care will stop the drugs, abuse, etc. with these branches of their birth families.

Marilyn Bennett said...

I commiserate Hester. How adults can put their wants and needs before their children’s is beyond me. I know I am one of many, many Mums who would have walked over hot coals for my children when they were young, and still would now they are adults with families of their own. . I’m sure the children are far better off with loving foster parents like your DD.

Mrs G said...

Echoing at least they have a safe place now - I suffered with all 4 of these from a parent in my childhood (and sexual abuse from a stepparent) - no action was taken.

I, too, would walk over hot coals and more for my 4 children and cannot understand those who wouldn't

mamasmercantile said...

Whilst I too could weep, it does highlight the need for foster carers and the important role that they play. Thank goodness for your daughter and all those that foster and help these damaged children, that warms my heart.

Catriona said...

Thank goodness for people like your daughter who will make a difference to those young people’s lives.

ShellyC said...

There needs to be a lot more good foster parents, to help stop these poor children having destroyed lives.
I have seen so many children that have fallen through the cracks of the care system, it is tragic. There poor lives destroyed and messed with.
Children having children. Carrying on as they have seen in their life.

Anonymous said...

I know it’s bloody criminal how some people can have kids and not look after them or at worst abuse them when others despairing can’t have any because of their bodies not playing along with the minds wishes. You daughter is a saint and those kids will love her for the rest of their lives for what she has and is doing for them. If I were only a little bit better physically I would want to gladly offer my house and love to someone in need. Sally

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