Saturday, 5 September 2020

I should've but I didn't

 JanF, I blitzed the mushroom soup smooth, some of us had to drink it out of mugs on the move and I thought lumpy bits might cause a problem.

I really should have thrown myself into a frenzy of housework today but I didn't. 

I wallowed around doing very little.

I took it easy, I even had a nana nap.

I checked yesterday's journey it was just under seven miles and nine locks.


justjill said...

You are doing good. So stop beating yourself up. xxx

Margie from Toronto said...

I think after all the travelling and all the walking you have done lately that a day off was well in order. Hope you enjoyed it!

Margaret said...

I was thinking of you this afternoon as I'm reading Faith Martin's books about Detective Hillary Greene who lives on a narrowboat somewhere near Oxford. With this Covid my UK trip which I have been planning since I was a teenager five decades ago is now off the radar and I'm armchair travelling through English authors :-)

My Piece of Earth said...

We often drink our soup out of mugs, it stay hotter for a longer period of time. Mushroom soup is very comforting.
You did deserve a nap after all that travelling.
Take care.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...