Friday 4 September 2020


We had crew helping today so we travelled for five hours on the boat. I also did an hour and a half driving, collecting and delivering the crew and another half an hour taking my car to its pre-booked parking space.

I made mushroom soup and served it with crusty bread for lunch, mushroom soup always looks unappetizing but it was delicious even if I do say so myself.

I used most of a punnet of mushrooms and half a red onion, I sliced the onion and softened it in a knob of butter then I chopped the mushrooms and added them to be pan. When the mushrooms were almost cooked I added about a pint of water, a squeeze of garlic puree, some mixed herbs, a vegetable stock cube and some pepper. I used my hand blender once the soup had come to be boil and then turned it down to a simmer until we were ready to eat.

We are now moored up within easy distance of the dry dock where we need to deliver the boat at 8:30 on Monday morning.


justjill said...

A good day. Soup sounds scrumptious.

Sue in Suffolk said...

I guess it will be strange living in a building while your boat is being sorted.

JanF said...

The soup sounds wonderful. Did you leave some of the mushrooms in larger chunks?

Anonymous said...

I think I may have seen you moored up on Friday afternoon. What made me think it was you in the distance as I knew you were heading to be blacked and had that done in Newbury last time and the two quite distinctive pooches watching the tow-path action :)

Wasn't able to pop along and say hello as I was on my way somewhere an wasn't going right past you.

Enjoy your stay on dry land.

Caroline x

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