Tuesday, 22 September 2020


I collected my car today, I'd left it in the marina for a while. I set off at 7:30 this morning, it's about 2 miles and I didn't want to walk Beano once it got hot.

There is a table in the marina where boaters put stuff they no longer want, I check it out every time I'm there. On previous visits I've found a chopping board, a hanging rail and some storage containers. I've often placed things on the table that I no longer need. Today there was a pressure cooked there. I brought it home and have it a good scrub. I will download the instructions for it and print them out.

DS2 phoned, he'd taken his car in for repair and had planned to walk the six miles home. He then realised that there are no pavements for most of the journey so he phoned to see if I could collect him. I went to collect him and he persuaded my new phone to connect to my car, I'd had a few attempts but couldn't get it to work. He also gave me two bags of cooking apples from his tree. I took Beano with me partly because he hates to be separated from me and party because DS2 loves Beano to bits.


Chris said...

Things really worked out well for you and your son (or is that son-in-law?). What do you plan to do with the apples? My D-I-L made a delicious meal with chicken breasts, apples, leeks and cider. It was very good!

Angela said...

I love my pressure cooker. Do check the rubber gasket though - it may be worth investing in a new one, to ensure a good seal. It makes all the difference to the efficiency of the pot

Hard up Hester said...

Chris, it's my son, I plan crumbles, Dorset apple cake and maybe some apple curd.

Angela, the seal looks in good nick but I will order a new one anyway just in case.

Witch Hazel said...

Sue! Sue! I have just seen something that may help with your hearing problems. I've just seen a video of a chap using an app called Live Transcribe..... I've downloaded it and tested it myself, and it works really well! As soon as I saw the video, I thought of you and my Mum! And me!)

Theresa Y said...

Sounds like a pleasant day. A pressure cooker AND apples. Can't beat that. I thought about getting a pressure cooker but they seem a little intimidating. Let me know how yours works out.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a better day Hester. Your sons and daughters are very lucky to have a mother like you that just does things for no reason other than to help. The pressure cooker for free sounds like a good deal they are so good just make sure you cool it down properly be opening it as high pressured steam hurts a lot, speaking from experience. Two bags of free apples too, wow you have to tell us what you end up making with them. My grandmother would make a batch of apple pies and give them to everyone because she hated wasting anything. Sally

Lyssa Medana said...

Just passing through to leave hugs and good vibes.

In my case, years ago, loss of short term memory was a function of depression. Stuff doesn't stick because of all the other bits of information, worry and general naff raff get in the way.

Take care of yourself and please pass on a gentle cuddle to Beano. x

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sounds a good day all round - we need that sort of day at present dont we?

jan jones said...

Can I ask what has happened to the other dog you were looking after?

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...