Friday, 5 March 2021

Can you teach an old dog new tricks?

 Well I think it depends on the dog.

Beano is a pain in the arse to train.

I'm sure I could train him if I was prepared to use cruelty.

But today, training is all about praise and treats.

The first thing is to make sure your dog's attention is all on you. To do this you offer a treat!

Beano isn't much interested in treats, unless it's roast beef or fillet steak. He's not really food oriented, even when he was in the rescue centre and still hungry he refused all dry food. The staff had to soak it in water and even then he would only pick at little bits.

It's difficult to engage his attention, outside he is far too busy sniffing and piddling, inside he lays down and goes to sleep.

Beano won't come when he's called but he will wait for me to catch up with him if I call him. I've therefore started to say "Beano wait" that way it looks like he's being obedient.

Beano will also refrain from chasing the ducks if I say "Leave" but he will chase rabbits no matter what I say.


Carol Caldwell said...

The thing is that you can't be cross with that cute little face can you!

Witch Hazel said...

I particularly chuckled at the bit where you say "Beano Wait". It made me think that Beano is doing a good job of training you.
Look at that gorgeous little face!

AnjiDot said...

he sounds like a character , we had a terrier years ago very similar to Beano.

The Weaver of Grass said...

He really has the most intelligent look on his face. Perhaps he is cleverer than you think.

Hard up Hester said...

I'm sure Beano is clever, clever enough to get away with doing exactly as he wants.

flis said...

He's a lovely boy.None of mine are well behaved.My thatch has had 12 one to ones back at the dog home but he's still embarrassingly"chatty" as the vet calls it when out.Ones scared of other dogs-another plays deaf and the other a bit unpredictable x

Meanqueen said...

Beano is gorgeous.

Chris said...

He's a feisty little fella! Sounds like he is training you!!

Miffy257 said...

Our Labrador pup is going through a not listening stage and someone recommended we got a dog whistle as it tends to go straight to their brain rather than your voice just blending in with all other distractions. Daughter tried it out today in the woods and it worked every time

Ulvmor said...

Our shnautzers have all been difficult to train. They are not greed for treats or toys and they have no urge to please. And when they WANT to please, it takes only few times and they get it! Usually it takes hundreds or thousand repetitions until we both know for sure. But I keep telling. I don't shout or anything, but when something goes right I'll tell it. 'Suma is not the brightest of our dogs, but she is so sweet. She has learnt wait, go, run (off lead), They are sleeping (=in the early morning when we walk by my parents' place and they are actually sleeping so we will not go to their yard, it works also with other houses, "Auntie is sleeping" and 'Suma will not wait for her).

Jaccs said...

I love Beano, he reminds me of my dog Sid❤️

mamasmercantile said...

He is adorable and has the cutest face.

crafty cat corner said...

I think Beano is okay, he has a mind of his own unlike most dogs. He's a little cutie. I have a cat like that who waits for us to bring her food to her in the front of the house while all the others eat in the kitchen. She is perfectly capable of sitting in front of the cupboard that houses the food in the kitchen for ages if she's hungary but prefers eating in another room. She is one sassy cat, the mother of the rest. Maybe she just doesn't want anything to do with them any more. lol

julie king said...

he's really cute x

fi said...

I found that carrying a small squeaky toy in my pocket helped with recall - less embarrassing than repeatedly calling the dog's name! If Beano is like my terrier and loves exploring hedges and banks for mice (mine will sit patiently for hours, ears pricked listening for squeaks) then the noise of a toy might grab his interest.

Hard up Hester said...

My daughter used a squeaky to to call her dog but Beano ignores it and he ignores whistle too.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...