Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Could have been worse.

Steve was sat on the back deck when he was hailed by another boater. They had just come through the lock above us,  the lock has scalloped edges and the rubbing strake had caught on the side of the lock and the boat had tipped violently. Only having a second boat in the lock had averted disaster as it had stopped the boat from turning turtle and sinking.

The boaters were pale and shaky and asked if it was ok to moor next to us. Everything had fallen off their shelves and lots of stuff was smashed. We offered help and asked what they needed, we popped to and fro with tea, coffee, sugar etc.

They were hoping to travel on but decided to stay here and set off in the morning. I gave them a lift to the nearest garage to stock up on beer to help them relax.


Margie from Toronto said...

Oh dear - what a scare for them! It was very kind of you and Steve to help out as much as you did.

Angela said...

It's so good when the canal community can support each other like that. As you have blessed them, may you two receive unexpected blessings in coming days!

crafty cat corner said...

Land lubbers tend to think that living on a canal in a boat is idylic but you prove it to be otherwise. Glad they survived.

JanF said...

You have helped so many people. It's heart warming to read about your kindness.

Sue said...

Gosh that sounds terrifying, I'm sure they were really glad of your help and concern.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...