Sunday, 16 May 2021

Whether the weather be wet or dry.

 Thanks for that info Keth.

Annie and Moira, I'll see if I can join a library.

The weather was ok this morning so we moved our friends up through two locks and two bridges. By the time we got home it was bucketing down and it's still raining now. But the boat was warm as we bought coal from the fuel boat and it didn't take me long to cook Sunday lunch, roast lamb today.

My friend and I walked the tow path with our dogs and the men stayed in the boat. Someone was walking a dog and stopped for a chat, her dog is a 7 month old Irish terrier called  Dillon, very bouncy, very friendly. She has found it difficult to socialise him with the lockdown restrictions so wanted to walk with us. I explained that if he jumped on Beano he would get told off. She was happy with that so I let Beano off his lead and as expected, every time he pounced on Beano, Beano snapped at him but he didn't bite. Dillon was totally unfazed but did stop pouncing on Beano, all three dogs ran along the tow path happily until we reached our destination.

This evening DD2 messaged me, it's her birthday soon and we'd asked her what she wanted as a combined birthday and housewarming gift. She needs a lawnmower and strimmer and asked if we'd contribute towards them. I found a special offer on the B&Q website so ordered them via click and collect, they will be ready to collect tomorrow morning and DD2 doesn't work Mondays.

Steve had a phone call from his brother, the one who's business we have invested in. Despite the problems with covid all seven properties are finished and are under offer. Unfortunately his brother has now been called for jury duty but he is managing to fit in work in the evenings. 

1 comment:

Chris said...

Things are looking up - interested to hear more about your investment properties!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...