Tuesday, 16 November 2021


 After borrowing eleventy billion bits of kit from other boaters Steve has tracked down the problem with the TV/satellite it's not repairable. Our only option to watch tv is via the internet which we can't do because we are in a dead area, still, at least we know now.

DD1 is battling with her local school, they have altered the rules on the snacks for morning breaks with no notice. Dgs who is diabetic became unwell because of the unannounced changes. When DD1 went in to complain and to explain that she needed to be aware of changes in advance she was told it wasn't possible as he was the only diabetic the school.

DD2 is battling with the land registry, she can't finalise her mortgage despite already living in the house. She's being threatened with eviction. The land registry are blaming the solicitor, the solicitor is blaming the building company, the building company spent weeks saying Computer Says No.

Lame Wolf, I stopped colouring my hair when we moved on to the boat as our waste water goes directly into the canal.


Eleanor said...

Oh, thats alright headmaster, it means there will only be one child having a hypo! Utterly ridiculous, this needs to go further.

busybusybeejay said...

Absolutely agree with Eleanor.She needs to make a complaint.My daughter is a Type 1 diabetic and has been since she was 4.She is now 49!,We never had any problems in school.They were always sympathetic and took our advice.If your gd had a hypo would they know what to do?
Keep us posted on this one.

Chris said...

Seems somebody dropped the ball and they are just trying to shift the blame. Quite unacceptable! Sorry about your satellite.

ShellyC said...

Schools have a duty of care to every pupil.
You need to talk to The Board of Governors as well

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...