Tuesday 11 September 2018

Drugs and alcohol

I had a disturbed night last night. I kept waking up with toothache but once I was awake there was no pain. I was probably sleeping with my teeth clenched. I often find my self with clenched teeth during the day and night, it's very uncomfortable.
I shall have a glass of Sloe gin before I go to bed tonight and see if that helps.

I bought a book, a real, proper book not a kindle book.
I love my kindle and couldn't manage without it but some books need to be real.
I bought Grow your own Drugs by James Wong. I'm surrounded by plants so I might as well take advantage of them.

I looked after Dgd today and I'm caring for her tomorrow as well. Today it was so DD1 could work a few extra hours, tomorrow it is so DD can attend a hospital appointment with her husband. He has a long term chronic condition so the news is unlikely to be good.


justjill said...

Sad to hear that. I too have a chronic disease. COPD. Hey ho we keep on trucking. Fingers crossed.x

Margie from Toronto said...

I used to clench my teeth when I had a severe TMJ problem - ended up with jaw surgery and braces to relieve it - but I do know that a bite guard helped a lot. Your dentist should be able to make it for you and it really does help with the pain.

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke! The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at g...