Friday, 30 April 2021


 Beano isn't keen on moving days, he becomes quite discombobulated.

When we are getting ready he keeps getting off the boat in case we walk away and leave him. Then he gets back on in case we are going to move off without him.

We had help today, three friends came along. Two of us walked the tow path with our dogs, operating the locks and swing bridges, two of each. The others stayed on the boat.

We stopped at a canal side cafe for breakfast, filled our water tank and then moved along and moored up, our friends then said goodbye and we just managed to get the covers on before it started to rain.

Once we were settled and got the stove going Beano curled up on the sofa, he wasn't relaxed though, every time either of us moved Beano leapt to his feet and ran to the door. I think having been abandoned once he is scared it will happen again.

Beano has been fed and had a couple of walks is now asleep with his head on my lap, this way he can sleep but he will know if I move!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Isn't it sad to see dogs who have been abandoned still show their worries however long we have had them. Sadly we can't speak 'dog' so just can't tell them we love them.

Chris said...

Discombobulated! I love that word, it is so descriptive. I know just how Beano feels and he is right to keep tabs on your movements. Sounds like your move was successful.

Jaccs said...

Oh my beating heart, poor Beano I hope he settles soon, enjoy your summer adventure look forward to seeing how you get on, and I hope your hearing problems get sorted ASAP xx

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...