Monday 12 April 2021

Really? It's April!

 What a difference, I had to sweep the gangplank before Beano and I could go for a walk. Then I had to clear the snow from the solar panels!


The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes a tad of snow here too but there is warmth in the April sun and the snow had soon gone.

mamasmercantile said...

It beggars belief no snow all Winter and now snow...

bbarna said...

We have had a very cold spring here in Northern Canada as well. Last year my garlic and rhubarb were sprouting in March. Now we are freezing temps at night and a dusting of snow most mornings. The robins have returned , so there is hope.

Heather said...

It’s crazy, my son said they had snow in Thatcham. Happy travels.

Best off in my pocket.

I received an email from my solicitor saying they owed us £200. Money retained from when we purchased our flat. I've had it paid into my...