Thursday 8 June 2023


Ang, I read that Richard E Grant interview about a pocketful of happiness.

Flis, I'm usually smiling when I walk Beano as I enjoy it so much. I'm dreading giving up Beano when I finally lose my sight.

Steve finds it very difficult to find happiness anywhere, he was yelling at me before he was even dressed yesterday morning, he's snapped and snarled all day! I'm wondering if he wouldn't be happier living elsewhere.

I visited the audiologist y'day I need new hearing aids, they will cost over £1500 to buy, gulp! I feel it's necessary as I won't manage if I'm deaf and blind.I

We have a sunny day here, the washing machine has finished doing it's thing, I'll hang everything on the maiden and stand it in the sun.

I'm sure you must all be bored silly with my monotonous life, but I prefer a quiet life.


A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

There is nothing wrong with a quiet life, lived well. I think we just get concerned when you sound really down with the stresses and strains that Steve seems to keep you topped up with.

Lynda said...

I don’t think Steve would be happy ANYWHERE…..I wish you a peaceful and happy life. With your dog.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot to be said for a quiet life, you have a lot to put up with.Please don't give up your dog as there will be people who would walk him for you.

Ellen D. said...

The hearing aids are definitely worth it and I hope you can get the ones you need. I need new hearing aids and I know I have to get them but I keep putting it off hoping somehow they will get cheaper. Wishful thinking!?! My last pair cost $6,000! so you can see why I hesitate.
I am happy to hear about your life and it is good for you to talk it out with us! :)

Angela said...

I hope you enjoyed the Richard E Grant interview as I did. I am so sorry your hearing aids are so costly - do you qualify for any help with that? Perhaps the RNID can advise? 👍❤️

Cheryl Seaman said...

Your life does not seem monotonous - rather a valiant attempt to "carry on" despite limitations and lots of discouragement. I admire you a lot!

Anonymous said...

Without wanting to be personal have you claimed attendance allowance or PIP depending on your age? I was just thinking it would help towards the cost of the aids. I also hope when you feel unable to walk Beano you can find someone who would love to do this for you. Sally x

flis said...

I like quiet life the older I get which is difficult to achieve sometimes - I was talking to a lady this week when I was walking with my dogs - she volunteers for the Cinnamon Trust - they help dogs in various ways - even walking - not sure whether you have this in your area - just a thought x

Rambler said...

The Cinnamon Trust have volunters all over the country who they can put in touch with people who can no longer walk their dogs, so please don't think you will have to part with Beano if/when you lose your sight.
- Rosemary x

Donna said...

You don't have to give up Beano...but maybe that snarly husband should go?
Life is too short to live it day in, day out, in sadness!
hugs to you!

flis said...

I don't know whether I've mentioned it before - but since retirement and his arthritis mine has been most unpleasant - I've told him recently that he has snarl lines on his nose -he wasn't happy but he had pointed out my frown lines - He looks like an angry wolf and has the lines at the mouth - He has definite snarl lines x

JacquieB said...

Please approve a comment that hearing aids can be provided FREE on the NHS.Just get your GP to refer you to the audiology department.
Reading this could perhaps save someone
else, like a friend of mine who unwittingly paid for hers, from spending our unnecessarily.

Joyce said...

I love reading about your day to day adventures, on land and sea! I live in a small rural village in the southern part of Vermont, in America. Most of us women have a lot in common. Keep on keeping on and do not give up your dog. Steve….we’ll, that’s another story.

Thieving barstewards!

I received a text message this morning telling me I was eligible for a £900 top up of my state pension.  I thought this was unlikely so I ch...