Sunday, 1 September 2019

A day out

I had a day out yesterday, I went to the Southern Wool Show with DD1 and two dgd's. There are no photos of us as one of the dgd's is fostered but I will post pics of what I bought.

The show was bigger than last year, and the food was better too, they had baguettes this year as well as pasties and cake.

This is a square made with the butterfly loom I bought.

I also bought some Rico cotton
 and some Opal sock wool.

Beano had been calm and behaved well for Steve whilst I was out, sometimes he gets a bit panicky.

Beano was also pleased to see me when I arrived home whereas Steve started complaining within about 14 seconds of my arrival, nothing new there then. I collected some Amazon parcels from DD1 and packed them in a plastic crate, obviously I'd packed them incorrectly!

Once I'd made a cuppa I settled down to read.

I finished Tombland by C J Sansome which I really enjoyed. It's set in 1549 during the peasants rebellion in East Anglia.

I'm now reading How the Dead Speak by Val Mcdermid


Chris said...

Thanks for the book recommendations. I'm always looking for good books to read.

50 and counting said...

Lovely colours in the sock wool. Is it for socks or shawls?

Hard up Hester said...

The Opal wool is for socks for DD1.

keth said...

It might interest you to know that that rebellion was real. Called Kett's Rebellion, you can still see places all over Norwich where events happened, like the market place, where one ladder being used to hang rebels broke under the weight of the bodies. Kett himself was hung from the castle walls, his body left there for weeks to remind the town not to do it again (and at a vantage point that was very visible for most of the townspeople). The same year there was the 'prayer book uprising' in Devon and Cornwall. I don't know how much of Sansome's novel is accurate as I've not read it, but I do highly recommend that for anyone looking to learn more about Kett, that they go to Norwich and see the places where events happened, there're lots of buildings still surviving from that period. glad you had a good time!

bbarna said...

What can you make with the butterfly loom?

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Kethry, there was a lot of info about the uprising in the book and it was a accurate as possible. It was very interesting.

Babe, the squares can be crochet together to make a blanket.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...