Tuesday, 10 September 2019

And then it went BANG

I cooked for stroke club today, it was very eventful. Every time I turned on the cooker hood or the dishwasher the electrics tripped.

We turned off the cooker hood and managed to get the dishwasher working, it's not like a domestic dishwasher, it's used to sterilise the dishes as I'm cooking for people who could have a compromised immune system.

Part way through the first dishwasher run, water started to pour out of it and then there was an almighty bang and the electrics tripped again .

The maintenance staff were called in, unfortunately no one seem to think that turning the water off would be a good idea. I did suggest it but obviously not having a penis my opinion was of no note.

I carried on preparing lunch, the maintenance staff managed to get the cooker working so I was able to finish the meal, albeit standing in  cold water up to my ankles.

I did wonder if I was in imminent danger of being electrocuted and was not impressed by the abilities of the maintenance staff. I did my own safety checks.


Lyssa Medana said...

If you have girlie bits then you are obviously disqualified from having an opinion (drives me nuts).

Did they get to the bottom of it or was it just men standing around and looking constipated.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Never a dull moment in your neck of the woods!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Oh Hester, I can so relate to this. I've been renovating houses for 40+ years and know all the terminology but they still talk to my husband, grrrrrr

Sue said...

Grrr ... bloody hell.

I HATE being ignored when I KNOW I'm right or at least a lot more knowledgeable about something than the so-called 'experts' who are making a right twaddle of things.

The Weaver of Grass said...

My friend is brilliant at putting men in their place in such situations. I always call on her to back me up. It is so frustrating. Hope all is settled now without anyone being electrocuted.

Hard up Hester said...

When I bought my first car about 30 years ago the salesmen all talked to my then husband, when I bought my last car a couple of years ago the salesmen kept talking to Steve about it and he doesn't bloody drive. I finally bought a car from a female sales person.

JanF said...
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JanF said...

I can hardly believe you managed to get the meal done under such circumstances! Standing in cold water...! You are one tough person.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...