Thursday, 5 September 2019

Sick, sick, sick up to here.

I'm sick to bloody death of all the crap about brexit.

We are supposedly living in a democracy, the majority voted to leave, maybe right, maybe wrong.

But that was the vote, what we have now is a complete shambles.

MP's acting like spoilt brats, just interested in protecting their own interests, not one of them gives a bugger about the people they should be representing, they are not the fit to run the country.

I'm also sick to bloody death of Harry and Megan, waffling on about saving the world from climate change.


Dc said...

Me too. I don't like Boris but he did make me laugh this morning when he said something akin to "there is only one chlorinated chicken in this house and he is sitting opposite me"!

cumbrian said...

You and several million others.

Stephanie said...

If we'd only known at the last General Election what we know now, most of that shower wouldn't even be in the Houses of Parliament. Perhaps we could reverse that election first........

Lyssa Medana said...

I agree. I voted Remain, but it should all have been done and dusted instead of this mess. I love my country and she's being dragged through the dirt.

Eleanor said...

The lot of them are a disgrace, they don't know the meaning of the word democracy. If we do have another General Election god help us if Corbyn and his cronies get in, they will destroy what's left of our once great country.

the veg artist said...

I agree!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Maybe we should ban TV and Newspapers for a month - methinks a lot of them just like the sound of their own voices - so it might be a good idea to quieten them down.

Trudie said...

Well said Hester, we voted to 'leave', we didn't vote to 'leave but with a deal' - the MP's who are stopping Brexit earn far too much money. They should remember,the people who voted to put them in there will be the same people who voted to leave - what goes around, comes around and it can't come soon enough xx

busybusybeejay said...

They didn't vote to leave with no deal.We were told a lot of lies.The issue around the Irish border never came up and that is what it is all about.You need a crystal ball to know what will happen either way.

I am sure it is not good for your health to be as angry as you are- all the time!!!!You need to chill a bit.

Lesnes said...

All I can say is that I agree with every word you have written...

Jeannieuk said...

Hear, hear!

lynda said...

We'll send you tRump if you like Boris. You can happily have him..but I would hate to foist yet another fool on my family in England....send them both to RUSSIA.

Joan (Devon) said...

I despair and am disgusted by the lot of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Weaver!
I cannot watch the News or read the press at the moment
It’s chaos

keth said...

I understand what you're saying, Hester, but I'd like to put the other side of the coin for a moment. My husband is an EU citizen. The referendum result came as a complete shock to him. He now feels like he has to apply to remain in his own home, and he has no guarantee, even if he gets the right to remain, that this will continue. he will get no official paperwork, it's all done online. Given Windrush, he does not trust the government to be consistent with regard to his right to remain (would you?). He is a productive citizen, earning more than the amount needed to remain (if he were a non-EU immigrant, I mean), and contributes to his home country. If we fight, it is because of the threat to him, and to our marriage. Yes, I too would like this Brexit rubbish to end. I'd like it to end by revoking Article 50 so we can all live in peace and quiet. It won't happen, I know that, but I would also like to point out that not all MPs can be tarred with the same brush - some are fighting for peace, equality, and because they fear the chaos, economic insecurity, and frankly, the facist direction that this government is heading towards.

Meanqueen said...

Yes, it's a bloody mess. What I would like is for everybody, whatever party they are in, to wake up one morning and say, Come on Boris, we are all behind you. Wouldn't that be good if they could at least all agree on one thing. But no, pie in the sky, they are all in it for themselves. I think Boris is trying his hardest to find a way out, but as with Mrs May, he is being blocked at every turn. Sorry don't mean to rant, I wish they would chuck that Bercow bloke out.

Anonymous said...

have you noticed that it's only democracy if we vote how the left dictates we must.

and the Tory govt sent an EU propaganda pamphlet to every house.


Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...