Monday, 23 September 2019

This is me

Readlisten, we ordered an extra length  of pump out hose, so there should be no more shit showers.

I recently bumped into an ex neighbour in the local supermarket, well actually I took evasive action as I didn't want to talk to her. I almost didn't recognise her, she belongs to a FB group that I belong to and has recently posted photo's of herself that I think she has photoshopped. She is a couple of years younger than me but looks about 35 in the photo's.

One of Steve's friends is on the dating site Plenty of Fish, he often arrives at a meeting and is unable to spot his date as she looks nothing like her profile pic. what is the point? 

I know that people add animal faces, floppy ears and pink noses to their pics, my grandchildren do this and other things to their photo's.

I don't like having my photo taken but I need a photo for a course I'm on, I see no point in altering the end result and I'm not looking to join a dating site either.

So this is me, the growth on my nose doesn't show because of the shadow, but I think it's a good likeness and hopefully it's not a face that would give people nightmares.


justjill said...

That is a lovely face. At last I see you and nothing like how I imagined you. But lovely. Thanks.

justjill said...

That is a lovely face. At last I see you and nothing like how I imagined you. But lovely. Thanks.

JanF said...

It's a sweet face.
We know a 39 yr old single gal who always posts photo-shopped pictures on her Twitter and FB and many, many times with Disney glitter ears and glitter nose. Very juvenile.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

A lovely face. Your eyes are especially expressive.

Joan (Devon) said...

A nice honest homely face, thank you for 'revealing' yourself. Now I can picture you when you're telling us of your adventures. I don't like being photographed either, but I'm afraid that's a vanity issue for me as I have aged quickly over the last few years. I am as I am and wouldn't dream of being 'doctored'.

They used to say a camera never lies, but that was before digital cameras.

Susan Heather said...

As others have said, that is a lovely face. You look a lot younger than I expected.

Sooze said...

Not terrifying at all! Putting the animal ears and noses on photos is just plain infantile, I think. And as for photoshopping them to slim yourself down, change your shape, whatever....I always think what's the point, anyone who sees you in real life can see the truth in any case!

Sue in Suffolk said...

Nice to see you.

Poppypatchwork said...

Lovely to meet you, I'm not into adding fun things to my photo's and like you I try and avoid being in a photo.

Tracy said...

It's lovely to see you and I think you look great without any additions.

Meanqueen said...

Looks pretty normal to me. I haven't changed my profile photo for a few years, can't be bothered. I'm still the same, just a few more wrinkles.

Debdor said...

Nice to put a face to a name...

Lynn Marie said...

A very nice face altogether. I agree the whole photoshop filters thing is silly. I used to moon around in front of the mirror with just a candle lighting the room, marvelling how glamorous I was - but I was 13 at the time! It's kind of sad so many grown-up women have not come to terms with their own faces.

readlisten said...

I'm delighted to put a face to the blog I read. Also delighted that it will not be covered in shit again anytime soon.

Sue said...

Another one who thinks you have a lovely face, and exactly how I imagined you, although I saw you in my head with darker hair.

Maybe all us bloggers should do a 'This is Me' ... just as we are now. I am always behind a cabbage in my profile pics, but that's how folk recognise me easily, so I have stuck with it.

kate steeper said...

yep everythings in the right place and where it should be ...i also have a friend whos had every bleedin beautician treatment on the planet plus she had a holiday in turkey with none of her usual facebook plastering and vanished off the planet for 6 weeks , not sure what she had lifted ...but she looks a little odd and shiny but very errr youthful for 57

Theresa Y said...


Lyssa Medana said...

That is a proper face! Someone you cuold talk to honestly and not worry about pretending.

Sometimes it's nice to see something real. Everything seems so 'influencer' these days.

Hugs x

The Weaver of Grass said...

It is a lovely photograph and your boat looks so cosy.

bbarna said...

A face to the name. Looks wonderful to me. I pass the hall mirror and don't recognize the older me sometimes.

Chris said...

Have to admit to using a photo that is quite a few years out of date but I haven't changed that much! You do look much like I imagined you to be, a very handsome older woman like many of us! Thanks for putting a face to a name, Hester!

Chris said...

Sorry that wasn't very tactful I should have said "a woman of a certain age" (I think that's the appropriate term).

Anonymous said...

A good, honest face.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Great to put a face to the blog Hester.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...