Friday, 13 September 2019

It passed

We've been in the marina for a few days. We arrived on Wednesday afternoon as we had our boat safety examination booked for Thursday morning. The boat passed, we weren't expecting any problems as the previous owner was meticulous about keeping the boat in good order. Another £200 well spent.

This morning Steve had a Dr's appointment and then a meeting at work.

After discussion it was agreed that Steve will be dismissed on medical capability grounds.

There is no chance of any further improvement and he is not capable of doing the job he used to do.

This is the best outcome we can hope for and although Steve is disappointed that he cannot to work, he is coming to terms with it.


Jean said...

I'm glad your boat is fine. I hope Steve can come to terms with his new circumstances. (and you)

Mrs G said...

Hopefully he can come to terms with his new normal soon and fingers crossed that he has full applicable pension status, as it's on medical grounds?

Chris said...

That`s a tough thing to accept. Fingers crossed for both your future endeavours.

mamasmercantile said...

Good news regarding the boat. Hopefully Steve will soon accept early retirement and be able to enjoy it. We were in the same position a few years ago, finances were tight but we soon got used to it and have a good life. Although Gerards health is never really good we still manage to enjoy a few adventures now and again. Take care.

Sue said...

Good news for the boat, and in a way I guess for Steve, although that will be hard for him at first. Now is a whole new chapter, time for some new adventures.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Glad th boat passed. Steve giving up his job will be difficult but he'll adjust.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...