Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Sold and gone

Yesterday our old boat was craned on to a lorry and set off to its new home in Ireland.

It passed its survey with no real problems so there was no more negotiating to be done.

Today the money went into our bank account and has been transferred to a savings account.

No doubt the bank will be phoning us soon, every time we pay in a lump sum they phone to offer us a loan.

Last week I received a rather stroppy message from my bank. It was to inform me that they had reduced the credit limit on my credit card and that I was to respond immediately to get the limit raised again. I don't have a credit card with them, I refuse every time they offer me one.

We will not be rushing out spending the money that is in our account, this is what we will be living on for the next few years.

I shall however be visiting the Clothing Barn near Newbury, I don't have a single pair of trousers/leggings that don't have holes in.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I'm so pleased the sale went through and the money is safely in your bank. Banks can't wait to tell you how to invest your money.

justjill said...

Pleased for you it went through.

mamasmercantile said...

I am thrilled for you. Good luck with your shopping trip I really struggled to get trousers that fit.

Witch Hazel said...

One less thing to worry about :-)

readlisten said...

Congrats on that being all settled finally. Sigh...piece of mind.

JanF said...

That's good news! Hope you find trousers, I hate trying them on and avoid it whenever possible!

Anonymous said...

Hello Hester, Nargleblast here, sounds like that message re the credit card was a typical phishing attempt. Barstewards!
Like the ones who tell you you have to click on a link and give them your details right now to claim your prize or stop your account being locked. They must think we came down in the last rain shower!

Hard up Hester said...

I wasn't sure if it astonishing or not I just deleted it as either way I wasn't interested.

Tracy said...

Ah banks. So good at offering money when you don't need it and so quick to say no when you do! I had a letter from the building society the other week. They demanded 'additional i.d.' for 'the other person' on my account, threatening closure of the account if they did not get it. The other person is, of course, my husband - the same husband who gave them his i.d. when I added him onto my savings account 5 years ago, the same husband who paid our mortgage to them for 25 years prior to that on this same address. They've only dealt with him for 30 years, so of course they needed extra i.d.!!!! You couldn't make it up, could you?

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...