Sunday, 29 September 2019

Timmy's fallen down the well.

Do you remember the old Lassie films?

Lassie would run up to someone, bark twice and they would deduce from the barks that something bad had happened and someone needed rescuing.

Beano has obviously seen the film's.

A couple of days ago I was walking him along the towpath, there was a jogger approaching, he was wearing headphones and singing along rather loudly. Beano watched him carefully. Suddenly Dan, another boater appeared, he was pushing a wheelbarrow along that had two toilet cassettes in. It was rather loud and rattling a lot. This was all too much for Beano who turned and fled back to the boat.

Beano obviously felt I was under threat as instead of running into the boat he stood on the back and barked twice. He then jumped off the boat and barked twice again.
He kept this up until Steve came out to look for me. By the time Steve climbed out of the boat, Dan's wife Sophie had arrived home and stopped to say hello and Dan had walked back to their boat.

So Steve waved to me and tried to persuade Beano to go into the boat but Beano insisted on staying outside until I returned.


justjill said...

Thats a great dog you have there. Beats Lassie paws down.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Clever little Beano. Good boy.

50 and counting said...

I live with a "Lassie dog" He's a scene stealing, attention hound. We've heard all the Lassie rescue jokes.

He barks at squirrels because they are attacking his trees.

Sue said...

Awww … clever doggy :-)

Christine Hancock said...

What a good doggy!!

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...