Saturday, 21 September 2019


We moved on Friday, we had crew so it was an easy move.

Beano and I walked 3 miles but we had help at the locks from our crew.

Unfortunately we hit a submerged log as we approached the last lock on our trip.

The propeller was badly bent, we wondered if the shaft was bent too.

We moored up as planned and went to the pub for lunch and to drown our sorrows.

We phoned the local engineer and he came over this morning to have a look.

He was able to effect a repair, much to our relief, it cost £100, but worth every penny.

This weeks mooring spot.


justjill said...

Lovely spot after all the woe.

Chris said...

Ooh, that was a hefty repair job! I guess it could have been worse.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture
Each time I read your blog my thoughts turn to buying a narrow boat......

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Sorry to hear if your misfortune but it could have been worse. Fingers crossed that nothing else happens.

mamasmercantile said...

What a beautiful spot, looks so pretty and peaceful.

Sue said...

We had a wander around a local marina last week, my lovely hubby is convinced we need to buy a narrow boat of some description. But I must say I prefer the moorings along the canal-side to the uniformity of the marina. I wonder how the charges for moorings vary for both, do you have to pay a lot extra for the toilet and launderette block that is a good ten minute walk away?

Hard up Hester said...

Marina costs vary, depending on the marina facilities and the size of your boat. We pay £300 a month in the marina for showers, toilets, water and electric hook up, the electric is extra.

Towpath mooring is free on the canal,on the Thames the marina is £900 a month but they do have a laundrette. There isn't much free mooring most is £10 a night with no facilities.

TrishWish said...

Lovely. Boats. You know what they say - just tear up another loads of bank notes. You should do a You tube so we can see you lovely little journeys each week.

readlisten said...

When I first read your post, I thought, "Oh goodness, something else yet again with the boat." I am not over your shit shower. But then I remembered that earlier today when my husband and I returned from 2 days away, we discovered a gigantic mud wasp nest at the highest second floor front peak of our house. That will cost a pretty penny. I also have some degree of allergy to insect bites. So, nasty things happen, ship or shore, and we just have to deal with them and move on.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...