Saturday, 7 November 2020

Hearing aid.

My  hearing aid is being posted out, but until the post office starts delivering to addresses such as "The green boat next to the third poplar tree" by lock 25 I have to have stuff delivered to a house. I'm not sure if I can collect it because the household exceeds the rule of six and as my blog comments show the world is full of nasty spiteful people who's only joy in life is being an arsehole. I really don't wish to get my dd in trouble by visiting her and for someone to report her for breaking the rules. 

Anyway it is a moot point as it hasn't been delivered yet.

Of course you are entitled to you opinion Carole and well done on getting through hard times. I find the anonymous comment about " people managed before food banks and children thrived" incredibly naive either that or like Keth said there is a difference between the deserving and the undeserving poor.  There have always been hungry children and it's appalling that the situation continues.

So I say yet again, just feed the poor bloody kids who are hungry, never mind why they are hungry, just feed them.


Anonymous said...

You can meet with one other person in a public place so perhaps your daughter can pass the hearing aid to you outside her gate.
Hope that helps.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good news that your hearing aid is on the way.

You do seem to pick up some weird comments from people with very strong opinions!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Hester 100%, it doesn't matter why children are going hungry - someone has to feed them. They are our future and what a future it will be if they grow up thinking the world doesn't care about them or anyone. In New Zealand rents are getting close to being more than half (sometimes even more) of people's incomes - not much left for anything else, and homelessness is on the increase. So many people providing breakfasts and lunches for school children and even pre-schoolers now and Covid has made it even worse. We are very lucky here to have a compassionate Prime Minister who feels the same way you do - FEED THE CHILDREN. Audrey

Jenny Woolf said...

Yes, someone has to feed the kids. Amazing that anyone can think otherwise IMO

Carol said...

I was going to suggest the same as Anonymous above. Your journey to collect it can also be classed as essential as it's to get a medical aid. If you didn't want to do as Anon suggests and don't want contact what about phoning when you arrive at the house and it could be left in the garden or on the doorstep as you are arriving.
When we were shielding at home my daughter would phone to say she had arrived, left our shopping on the doorstep and got back in her car at the end of the drive to chat while I stayed on the doorstep.

JanF said...

Good idea from Anon the first, meet your daughter in a public place!

Joyce said...

Again,it does not matter why the children are hungry, just feed them! There are some pretty poor parents out there but their kids should not suffer! Kids do not have bootstraps to pull themselves up by. You can be as prideful as you want when it comes to yourself, but you have a duty to seek assistance for your children.
A few years ago some idiots were screaming about all the people on welfare, at that time the typical recipient was a ten year old boy! Not a helluva lot of jobs for a 10 year old boy.
Rant over.
P. S. Biden won!!!

mamasmercantile said...

Hope you manage to collect your earing aid, it is absolutely a necessity so I would ignore any snide comments and do what is needed collect it. You are quite right all children deserve to be fed whatever the underlying reasons why. Excuse my ignorance but is a delivery to a post office a possibility?

Debby said...

I came here to ask the same question as 'mama'. Here they have post boxes. is that a possibility there? I'm sorry about snarky comments.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...